Ocean, adapted image of raindrops on a windshield

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Websites I have worked on

Most of the sites I worked on are now either abandoned or being maintained by others. As expected, a university does not stop when someone retires.

Seaurchin Education - first posted in 1996. Lesson plans and information for high school science. no longer hosted at Stanford. for an earlier (2006) version see a copy on this site.

Maxchelator (this site now, but formerly at Stanford)

Pinhole (this site, but formerly at Stanford)

Seaside - set up for the Miller library and currently maintained by Donald Kohrs.

Seanet - work of James Watanane, retired. Not sure how long this will be up.

Steinbeck Institute - work for the Steinbeck Institute run by Professors: William Gilly and Susan Shillinglaw

Most of the lab websites at HMS, if still active, they are currently being maintained by others of course

Main website for Hopkins Marine Station (simple HTML to Drupal 7), 1998 - 2016. Main Campus took over.

athopkins: internal site to Hopkins Marine Station. Status terminated.

Point Pinos Lighthouse current 'approved' version is a VERY simplified version of the full Drupal site I built.

IN ALL, I have done over sixty websites since I first started coding them in 1995 and built from scratch five Linux servers to host some of them. This included interactive pages, games, database access, real time weather and seawater system data and graphics.

Helped a friend with her website: Martha Casanave

Briefly did the website for the Steinbeck Museum until they hired "a pro" service to set it up (and now is a pain to maintain!)


Design is not really hard. Keep it simple, easy to use and navigate. Do not annoy people with information (popups, redirects, endless ads, etc.) that they did not ask for. Do not collect ANY information on users not freely and expressly given.


All images and text (c) Chris Patton, owamoosa@gmail.com