This page is for those of you who cannot accept a person's worth at face value and must see some 'credentials' or 'proof'. Not your fault, it is the way we have all been trained to be. This page is about my life work, not about my artistic side. See the other sites on
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA BA 1976 Biological Photography [Graduated Highest Honors]
Chapman University, College of Monterey 1995 Education [4.0 GPA on nine courses]
Completed Safety Training in the following areas:
Animal Care, Radiation, Ergonomics, Back & Lifting, General Safety, Chemicals, Gases, Biohazard Shipping, Biohazards, CPR & AED, Supervisor Training, Laser Safety, Shipping Hazardous Materials
2000-2019 Health & Safety Specialist. Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University
1985-2019 Campus Safety Officer. Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University
1978-2019 Technician. Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University
2007-present Point Pinos Lighthouse docent, tech support, webmaster, Fresnel lens cleaner(1yr), Museum Board (2yrs)
Donald M. Bers, Chris W. Patton and Richard Nuccitelli, 2010, A Practical Guide to the Preparation of Ca2+ Buffers, Methods in Cell Biology: In A practical Guide to the Study of Ca2+ in Living Cells
Thaler, CD, Kuo, R, Patton, C, Preston, C, Yagisawa, H, Epel, D. 2004. Phosphoinositide metabolism at fertilization of sea urchin eggs measured with a GFP probe. Dev Growth Differ
Epel, D, Vacquier VD, Peeler, M, Miller, P, and C Patton. 2004. Sea Urchin Gametes in the Teaching Laboratory: Good Experiments and Good Experiences. In: Development of Invertebrate Deuterostomes: Experimental Approaches (Methods in Cell Biology, Volume 74), editors C Ettensohn, G Wessel and G Wray. Academic Press, San Diego.
Patton C, Thompson S, Epel D. 2004. Some precautions in using chelators to buffer metals in biological solutions. Cell Calcium. 35:427-31.
Kuo, R, Baxter, G, Thompson, SH, Stricker, SA, Patton, C, Bonaventura, J, Epel , D. 2000. NO is a necessary and sufficient requirement of egg activation at fertilization. Nature 406:633-636.
Lauzon, R, Rinkevich, B, Patton, CW, Weissman, I. 2000. A morphological study of non-random senescence in a colonial urochordate. Biol Bull 198:367-378
Kaufman, M, Ikeda, Y, Patton, C, Van Dijkhausen, G, Epel, D. 1998. Bacterial symbionts colonize the accessory nidamental gland of Loligo opalescens via horizontal transmission. Biol Bull 194:36-43.
Epel, D, Kaufman, M, Toomey, B, Ikeda, Y, Patton, C. 1997. Saving the children: the cell and molecular biology of embryo defenses. Jap J Reprod Develop 43:45-47.
Rees, BB, Patton, C, Grainger, JL, Epel, D. 1995. Protein synthesis increases after fertilization of sea urchin eggs in the absence of an increase in intracellular pH. Dev Biol 169:683-698.
Bers, DM, Patton, CW, Nuccitelli, R. 1994. A practical guide to the study of calcium in living cells. Methods in Cell Biology, vol. 40
Epel, D, Patton, C. 1985. Cortical granules of sea urchin eggs do not undergo exocytosis at the site of sperm-egg fusion. Dev Growth Diff 27:361-368.
Patton, C. 1979. Copper Prints by Chris William Patton. Popular Photography’s How-To Guide
Development of MAXCHELATOR program. Open access web-site which provides a set of programs to calculate free metal concentrations in solutions in the presence of chelators. Enables researchers to account for effects of pH, temperature, in the presence of most commonly used buffers and chelators. Worldwide distribution. In addition to the web version, users can download Web, DOS, or Windows versions. Thousands of registered users worldwide. Development required programming skills, software manual writing, web page design, and interaction with end users.
Sea Urchin Embryology Website Development and Maintenance. This web site is devoted to bringing university level science to the high school classroom. I am the primary author and developer of the site. Development required web design, course and class design, lesson plans, animations, and illustrations.
Taught Pinhole Photography through UCSC extension to adults for eight years and one year through Center for Photographic Arts in Carmel. As a co-instructor I was involved in course design, material selection and preparation, and adaptation of methods and styles, to consistently improve the course to reach everyone from the beginner to the advanced professional. This demonstrates my proficiency in making technical information accessible to the non-technically inclined. Wrote and maintain the web site devoted to the course.
Worked with George Somero in preparing and obtaining an exception with the California State Water Board for the seawater system and storm water drainage at Hopkins. Involved helping to prepare numerous reports, including extensive graphics, collecting samples and participating in countless meetings.
Worked with others to bring live real time data access to seawater and weather systems at Hopkins via web sites in graphical and data intensive formats.
Worked with the Heritage Society of Pacific Grove to develop the Point Pinos Lighthouse website and restoration archive.