image of Monterey Wharf with 4x5 pinhole camera

[cats paw] * Cameras * Calculators * Related Tech * Images * Sites & Supplies

Sites & Supplies


Check out Paul Prober's site. Great explanation of macro pinhole photography!

THE site of Mr. Pinhole himself, Eric Reiner

There are tons of web sites, but most don’t say that much. Some are commercial sites trying to get you to buy books, pinholes, or cameras. Worth checking out to see other people’s work and what the community is thinking.

Here are a few to get you started: - more links - personal site, alternative processes, etc. - pinhole cameras constructed out of photographic paper



alternativephotography : processes

All of these sites provide links to many other sites. And of course any of the search engines can pull up thousands of other sites. Good searching!

Sources for pinholes and pinhole cameras (see web sites for other suppliers)

Call or write Eric and Nancy at
Pinhole Resource
Star Route 15. Box 1355
San Lorenzo, NM 88041
Phone (505) 536-9942

Highly recommend Eric's book "Pinhole Photography: Rediscovering a Historic Technique"

Scientifics Direct
- has pinholes, aperatures and video cameras

An EM supplier that has copper grids that work great as pinholes:

Electron Microscopy Sciences
See section of catalog with copper pinholes

Other Electron Microscope supply houses:

Ted Pella, Inc.
P.O. Box 492477
Redding, CA 96049-2477

SPI Supplies

PHONE: 1-(800)-2424- SPI
FAX: 1-(610)-436-5755
569 East Gay Street, West Chester, PA 19380
P.O. Box 656, West Chester, PA 19381-0656

Marlin P. Jones & Assoc. Inc.
Has surplus video cameras and pinhole video cameras real cheap! [less than $100]

Black foam core, Exacto knives, etc. can be had at art supply stores. Black tape from camera stores [$16/roll] or art supply stores [$5/roll].

Hobby supplies, check out:

Micro-Mark hobby supplies, small tools, etc.

Be careful with Micro-Mark. Their stuff looks good on paper, but I was not always satisfied with the product delivered. Definitely do not order large quantities till you have checked out the product in question.

Lowes, and Home Depot all should have shim stock. Get brass at 1-2 thousandths of an inch. [2 is easier to work with for the beginner, 1 will give a better hole with practice]. OSH has decided recently NOT to carry shim material, but ask, they may still have some left.

Another source of thin metal is soft drink cans, approximately 0.004" thick. Has the advantage of always being around.

Freestyle Photographic Supplies has pinhole cameras also. Both Martha and I love the Zero cameras.

Do not overlook "hot glue". VERY fast way of assembling 4x5 and smaller cameras. Probably not strong enough for the larger, 5x7 and above formats without thought to internal structural supports.


All images and text (c) Chris Patton,