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- To spawn in the presence of other urchins so as to insure that your eggs
are fertilized and your genes are passed on to the next generation.
- To move takes energy [see "meter" on side of tidepool]. Run out of energy
and you die.
- You "eat" by being over the correct species seaweeds and pressing
the "EAT" button. This gains you energy [watch meter rise].
- Attempt to leave the tidepool screen and you desiccate and die.
- Attract the attention of the starfish and if you are eaten you die.
[move carefully and you can out run the starfish]
- Eat up all the food before returning to "home" and you could run out of
energy to spawn. You will eventually die and leave no offspring.
- You must be in the "green" region of the energy meter to be able to spawn
[SPAWN button]. There is only enough food in the tide pool for you to spawn
once. Make it a good one.
- Sea urchins are NOT fast movers. Be Patient! It takes time for "Uni"
to get around.
- WAVES will occasionally pass over. Just wait them out and continue,
- The lowest number of moves to win the game is the "grand winner". So far
that is 215 moves. Good luck!
- From the Netscape menu, choose VIEW | PAGE SOURCE or Control U. You will
see the complete source code for "Uni's World". Feel free to offer suggestions
for improvement. Uses Dynamic HTML and JavaScript. [ I did not use JAVA so
that everyone could easily see the code and modify it]
- Typing in http://www.stanford.edu/group/Urchin/uni/ will show you the directory
of files used in Uni's World. From this you can copy individual files to your
computer to be able to run Uni's World offline.
- Interaction with the starfish will be improved. The starfish will have to
flip Uni over before eating and "grabbing on" can prevent this from happening.
- Wave action can sometimes be fierce! If you are not grabbed on when a big
one comes you could be flipped over [subject to seagull attack] of worse,
flipped over onto the rocks where you cannot right yourself [thus desiccating
and dying].
- AND OF COURSE, versions that will work with more browsers.
[this may require JAVA though]