NAME: _____________________ DATE: ______________ PERIOD: _____

Answer questions as best you can. Write your answer on the line in front of the question. If a multiple choice question has more than one correct answer, include all correct answers.

______1) Which is larger? a) human egg b) chicken egg

______2) Eggs all have a) half the number b) same number c) twice the number of chromosomes as a somatic (body) cell

______3) An egg needs a sperm in order to divide and grow a) the sperm has all the genetic material b) the egg does not need a sperm c) an equal genetic contribution is required from both the egg and sperm d) the sperm provides nutrition

______4) Approximately how many times larger is a human egg than a human sperm a) same size b) 1000 c) 100,000 d) 1,000,000

_____________ _____________ 5) What appears after fertilization that indicates the egg has been fertilized?

_________6) Eggs and sperm are both types of specialized cells called?

_____7) The purple sea urchin sperm can fertilize a) purple sea urchin egg b) red sea urchin egg c) star fish egg d) hamster egg

______________8) What is the sea urchin's habitat?

______9) What do sea urchins and humans have in common? a) they are animals b) they are deuterstomes c) they have radial cleavage in development d) they are omnivores e) they have separate sexes

______10) Do sea urchins a) mate or b) spawn?

______11) How can you tell a female urchin from a male urchin? a) can't tell the difference from the outside b) size of the gonopores c) breaking it open and looking at the gonads d) spawn the animal and observe color of the gametes

MATCHING [12-15]

___12) unfertilized sea urchin egg

___13) fertilized sea urchin egg (zygote).

___14) gut forming stage (gastrula).

___15) feeding stage (pluteus).

___16) Which embryo starts feeding in the shortest amount of time? a) sea urchin b) human

___17) Which embryo is fed during development by the female parent? a) sea urchin b) human

___18) What is an experiment? a) an investigation only done by a scientist b) a way to test an hypothesis c) a male thing

___19) In an experiment, the control is used to? a) control machinery used b) compare a standard with the experimental group c) vary the experimental conditions

___20) The purpose of scientific illustration is to? a) to make specific points pertinent to a line of thought b) to confuse non-scientists c) to show details of a structure being examined d) to show how beautiful an organism is