

SUMMARY - In the labs and lessons you will find INFORMATION LINKS above the title, a blue-green SUMMARY BOX under the title and ON PAGE LINKS just below the summary. A date the page was last updated appears just below the title. A HOME button appearing at the bottom of most pages brings you back to the contents page.

This page includes information about how best to make use of this SEA URCHIN EMBRYOLOGY site.





See PATH OF DEVELOPMENT for a visual overview of sea urchin development using the animations that have been generated for this web site.
The CORE LAB is a lab using sea urchins to demonstrate fertilization and early development and takes about 1 week (days 3,4,5 only 15 min/day). This is the recommended lab if this is your first time doing the lab or time is limited.
The PRIMARY LABS are a set of labs which extend the CORE lab experience over a longer time period (2+ weeks)and in greater depth.
Since students may not all have the necessary knowledge, abilities or experiences to make full use of the CORE or PRIMARY labs we have included SUPPORT LESSONS to help acquire these skills and reinforce concepts.
In INFORMATION we give support material for the teacher to help design and refine their own adaptation of the prepared lessons.
CURIOSITY gives information about the authors of SEA URCHIN EMBRYOLOGY and how and why this site was created.
REGISTER and EMAIL gives you the opportunity to contact us for more information or to make comments.
And our newest addition, EXTENDED RESEARCH with suggestions for in depth research projects.


In the writing of the lessons & labs we have used a consistent order of presentation which includes:
  • Summary - a brief description of the purpose of the lesson/lab and the expected student learning.
  • Timing - how much time will the lesson take, on the first day and subsequent days.
  • Background - provides a perspective for approaching the lesson/lab.
  • Materials - describes the necessary supplies and equipment that the teacher will need to prepare to do the lesson/lab.
  • Procedure - describes the instructions for doing the lesson/lab.
  • Math - gives detailed instructions for analysis and interpretation of data collected.
  • Implications - gives guided questions to help students analyze and think about the lesson/lab completed. In this section we also give questions that reinforce students understanding of essential concepts in biology that are illustrated by the lesson/lab.
    Selected overheads (S) are now available in Spanish as well. Students won't learn if they don't understand.
  • Evaluation - gives suggestions for assessment.


Using the animations from this site will make it much easier for students to understand sequences of events that occur at fertilization and subsequent development. There are several ways these animations can be presented to your class.
This is the easiest to do, but has several drawbacks. Certain times of the day tend to be "crowded" making download times unusually long. Uncle Murphy will dictate that this will happen at the most critical time in your presentation, aaagh! You may not have a link in your classroom or it may be down.


1) You will need a web browser on both the computer with which you access the web with and the computer you intend to view the animations on (they MAY be the same computer). You will need to have Netscape 2 or above, Internet Explorer 3 or above or some other browser. The more recent the version, the more hard disk space and RAM will be required to run the program.
2) It is best to save the animations to the hard disk, because the speed of the hard disk will play the animations more smoothly. None of our animations is larger than 500K. This will allow you to save to floppy disk for transport, if necessary. To save, follow the instructions just below the animation. (or go to the raw animation list and select the animation you want and then choose FILE, then SAVE AS from the browser menus). This will save only the raw animation, not the description next to the animation. It is best to print the page (use PRINT button on tool bar) with the animation & description, since saving the raw animation will not include this support information.
3) You must open the browser (Netscape, etc.) first! Once open, under the FILE menu, choose OPEN FILE or OPEN LOCATION, locate and choose the animation file. Your browser will then load and play the animation. If the image is too small, you may be able to adjust the screen resolution on your computer to a lower resolution. The lower the resolution you set your screen to, the larger the animation will appear. You may need to consult the computer expert at your school. If the animation is currently on a floppy disk, we recommend moving it to a hard disk before viewing.
NOTE) If you are trying to save both pages and graphics, set up your hard disk with the web pages saved in a directory (folder) entitled "Urchin" and then set up a sub-directory (folder) entitled "GIFS", which is where you put the graphics files. In this way you will not need to rewrite any of the HTML code.


The ENTIRE web site is now available on CD-ROM in MacIntosh, Windows 95, and universal ISO9600 formats. Faster than a T1 internet link, this is the way to go for a single computer or a classroom full of computers. One $10 disk can be used on all your machines. Receipt is given for reimbursement purposes.


LINKS on this site will be blue in color until used at which time they will turn to purple. In all cases the words or phrases in the links are underlined.
CONTENTS - takes you back to the opening CONTENTS page of the SEA URCHIN EMBRYOLOGY site.
OVERHEADS - takes you to a page of links to the masters for classroom presentations and/or written student assignments. (S) Spanish now too!
GLOSSARY - takes you to a guide to terms used in the texts. Some terms will link to further resources.
REFERENCES - takes you to a page of books, articles and links to other resources.
SKILLS - takes you to a page describing the necessary prior knowledge, experiences, and/or abilities useful for each lesson/lab.
These links will vary with the page in question but in all cases the link will take you to a location on the same page. This allows you to quickly get to the information needed.
The CONTENTS button at the bottom of the page takes you back to the CONTENTS page of the SEA URCHIN EMBRYOLOGY site.
There will be other LINKS on most pages taking you to extended support at this web site or outside web sites.


Controls will vary with each web browser, but we have purposely avoided some of the fancier web page extensions to facilitate use with slower modems and older computers.
We recommend that you begin by making a bookmark/favorite for our home page using the toolbar at the top of the page and choosing ADD from the BOOKMARK (Netscape) or FAVORITE (Internet Explorer) menu.
Learn where the BACK and FORWARD buttons are on your browser toolbar.
Do make extensive use of the LINK buttons. This is the real power of the web over the printed page.
Each lesson/lab page has been designed so that if you PRINT the page using the PRINT command on the toolbar, enough information will be included to do the lesson/lab without having to chase down links to other pages and sites.