Sea Urchin names in Chuukic dialects

Meanwhile, I have published a lexicon of animal names in Chuukic
dialects, of the E. Caroline Islands. There are a number of names for
various Sea cucumber species, as well as general names in some dialects.

A. E. Davis. 1999. A preliminary list of anmial names in teh Chuuk
District, with sone notes on plant names. Micronesica 31(1):1-245.


char Heterocentrotus sp. Taloas; Nomwin; Polle; Wonip.
farawa samwon Sea urchin, black, short spines. Fanapanges.
fénúmw ?Trypneustes sp. Taloas?
fonom ?Trypneustes sp. or ?Toxopneustes sp. Polle.
fonom An unidentified sea urchin.  
láár Diadema spp. Namoluk.
laar Diadema spp. Nomwin; Puluwat
laar possibly also an irregular urchin. Nomwin.
lishar Heterocentrotus sp. Nama; Namoluk.
likitooro Toxopneustes sp. Pullap; Tamatam.
lipukal A sea urchin. Puluwat.
mwóchón Mespilia globulus, Royal Sea Urchin Wonip; Polle
nipukan Decorator urchin w/ deciduous black pedicellaria Peniesenne
puukaal A sea urchin Nomwin
ráá'r Diadema spp. Faichuk District
raar Diadema spp. Fo'no'; Uman; Taloas; Sapuk
ráripwech Echinothrix sp. ("white ra'a'r) Wonip Tol.
sóórowa Diadema sp. Fefan

Irregular Urchins

áterreppep Sand dollars Taloas
tereppep Sand dollar Wene'; Taloas
terepéppek Sand dollar Wene'; Taloas
tereppóp Sand dollar Mwoch
likatterépép Sand dollar Tunnuk?
mesan pii Possibly sand dollars Fono
nikapéppép Sand dollar Wene'; Taloas
nikaterreppék Sand dollar Tunnuk
nisses Sand dollar Wonip
niterepéppép Sand dollar Fefan
peppep Sand dollar Wene'

Other pacific languages would yield many names.

Alan Davis
Marianas High School

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