Point Pinos Lighthouse - future?



The 2025+ Survival Game, the future?

Will you survive? Will any of us?
(one point each and we won't tell anyone!)


Point Pinos Lighthouse unknown date
1) have Tik-tok followers in excess of 50K
2) done meditation, yoga or Tai Chi to better yourself
3) txting is 2nd nature and can be done w/o looking.
4) always had a smart phone (or flip phone before then)
5) mount for phone in car for navigation
6) been employed by at least five different firms so far
7) at least a bachelors degree, better if MS or PhD
8) been to several climate of political rallies
9) regularly use an electric car, scooter or bike
10) like bubble tea
11) never taken woodworking, metal working or drafting in school
12) able to debug and/or rebuild a desktop/laptop computer
13) part of an on-line gaming team and meet regularly
14) have a side hustle, in addition to your normal job
15) still paying off a college debt in excess of 100K
16) use Google tags to keep track of important items
17) use AI and video surveillance for security
18) made a deep fake for fun
19) took longer than four years to finish college
20) chose major for future earnings not desire
21) multiple romantic relationships as career/town changed
22) able to work effectively in teams, no nerds
23) live on caffeine and junk food
24) speak at least one other language (Spanish in CA)
25) code in at least one programming language, better if two
26) survived COVID, but never had mumps, measles, chickenpox
27) no typed passwords, haptic, facial, finger print okay
28) brain implant to improve com abilities/speed
29) works out to an AI instructor
30) never had a cavity, but yes for gum disease
31) use VPN and encryption on a regular basis
32) part of a new startup company based on your work
33) flown a drone with neural interface
34) emoji use is natural and fluid
35) vegan by political, spiritual choice
36) used a VR headset

How did you do? press reload or refresh to start again

0-12 Stick to the 20th century PLEASE
13-24 Just might survive in the 21st century, barely
25-36 Might survive in the early 21st century, w/ help . . .

We complain that others don't know how to do anything from our time period. This could be said of all of us. Do we have a future in 21st century California?

See 2025 Survival Ideas for Now?