Sources for pinholes and pinhole cameras (see web sites for other suppliers) Call or write Eric and Nancy at Highly recommend Eric's book "Pinhole Photography: Rediscovering a Historic Technique" They have Pinhole cameras. I have bought the Zero 2000 [120 film] and am VERY happy with it. Easy to carry and 12 exposures to the roll in a format that is large enough to enlarge to 11x14 without much loss.Retro Photographic Edmund
Scientific Orders: Customer Service General Product Information Edmund has pinholes, aperatures and video cameras An EM supplier that has copper grids that work great as pinholes: Electron Microscopy Sciences See section of catalog with copper pinholes Other Electron Microscope supply houses: Ted
Pella, Inc. PHONE: 1-(800)-2424- SPI Aperatures that might work well for
pinholes can be found here. Marlin
P. Jones & Assoc. Inc. Black foam core, Exacto knives, etc. can be had at art supply stores. Black tape from camera stores [$16/roll] or art supply stores [$5/roll]. Hobby supplies, check out: Micro-Mark hobby supplies, small tools, etc.
Orchard Supply Hardware and Home Depot both have shim stock. Get brass at 1-2 thousandths of an inch. [2 is easier to work with for the beginner, 1 will give a better hole with practice]. OSH has decided recently NOT to carry shim material, but ask, they may still have some left. Another source of thin metal is soft drink cans, approximately 0.004" thick. Has the advantage of always being around. 4x5 and 8x10 Cameras Check out Bender Photographic. They have 4x5 and 8x10 kits for $279 and $379 respectively. I have made the 4x5 and it would work great for pinhole and zoneplate work. [so would the 8x10 I suspect]. As some single focal length pinhole cameras can cost as much, why not put together a pinhole camera with interchangable "lenses"? They also sell film holders for above. They also have a multi-focal length pinhole camera kit for only $69.95. This is not plywood, but real hardwood. Looks like an excellent camera kit. Freestyle Cameras has a pinhole camera page also. Do not overlook "hot glue". VERY fast way of assembling 4x5 and smaller cameras. Probably not strong enough for the larger, 5x7 and above formats without thought to internal structural supports. |