Owa Moosa website, image is Lovers Point, PG

Owa Moosa : A lifetime of Ideas.


ghost SILVER GHOST - art photography

cats paw PINHOLE - pinhole photography

turtle SILVER TURTLE - paint to pixels

logo GUARDIANS - 14 book sci-fi series


chinese character for good C&H GOOD EATS - new & adapted recipes

logo MAXCHELATOR - metal/chelator calculations

pluteus OCEAN - marine biology as art

snail spiral SUZIE Q - tribute to a remarkable lady.


"Owa Moosa" is the name of a sentient Cat in the Guardians of B'thn book series
Stupid Monkeys, all Cats are sentient!
Of course they are Owa, of course they are.
Stupid Monkeys


No one lives forever. Time for others to take up the quest to answer "THE QUESTION".

Full Dislosure: NO personal information is collected. There are no ads, pop-ups, cookies, or 'gotchas'. Google has NO code on this site. That is not to say your browser, OS and/or service provider is not collecting this information anyway.


Why no search bar? This site is meant to spark discovery, curiosity and creativity. The beauty of a library, with actual books, is not the book you are looking for, but the ones to either side found by accident, or when you walk past them. If this site took you straight to the answer, this would not happen. If all else fails, email me below and I will send you a direct link, eventually. Gotcha!

All images and text © Chris Patton, owamoosa@gmail.com